So, it’s been a while since I updated here, I’ve been busy off my feet with getting things done behind the scenes. But there are some things I wanted to communicate that are longer than tweets should be used for (and yes, I know about sites like Twitlonger, but I find that impersonal).

Let’s get into it. The updates. The smaller of the big updates.
Currently, I’m working on making it to Twitch Affiliate – I’m clearing some bars easily, but the followers one is the thing that I need to work on. I would love to hit affiliate by my birthday, but I’m not sure if that is attainable.
Should that become a reality, my current schedule will change – M/W/F will be on Twitch, and T/Th will be on other services (Trovo, YouTube and Facebook).
I’m making some big changes on the stream itself – there will no longer be a shout out for followers. It’s being abused by the hate raids, and until Twitch gets their shit fully together there, I’m turning it off. If you want a shout out, let me and my mods know in chat, and we’ll be glad to do it.
I also want to reiterate the rules here, and I’ve got it set to do so on stream as well.
They’re straight forward.

- No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or other hate-based chat.
- This channel follows Wheaton’s Law, the GLHF Pledge, and is an LGBTQ2A+ safe space.
- Do not spam words, emotes or use all-caps
- No spoilers to a game, TV show or film. Seriously. Don’t.
- Don’t argue with people over chat — especially the streamer and moderators
- No self-promotion or advertising.
Out of all of those – arguments with myself or my moderators – is an instantly bannable offense. I have only so much energy and mental space to give to things, and that is one boundary you’re not going to get to cross.

Until Next Time!