

So, it’s been a while since I updated here, I’ve been busy off my feet with getting things done behind the scenes. But there are some things I wanted to communicate that are longer than tweets should be used for (and yes, I know about sites like Twitlonger, but I find that impersonal).

A VTuber avatar on a vaporwave style background with the word UPDATES at the top

Let’s get into it. The updates. The smaller of the big updates.

Currently, I’m working on making it to Twitch Affiliate – I’m clearing some bars easily, but the followers one is the thing that I need to work on. I would love to hit affiliate by my birthday, but I’m not sure if that is attainable.

Should that become a reality, my current schedule will change – M/W/F will be on Twitch, and T/Th will be on other services (Trovo, YouTube and Facebook).

I’m making some big changes on the stream itself – there will no longer be a shout out for followers. It’s being abused by the hate raids, and until Twitch gets their shit fully together there, I’m turning it off. If you want a shout out, let me and my mods know in chat, and we’ll be glad to do it.

I also want to reiterate the rules here, and I’ve got it set to do so on stream as well.

They’re straight forward.

No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or other hate-based chat.
This channel follows Wheaton's Law, the GLHF Pledge, and is an LGBTQ2A+ safe space.
Do not spam words, emotes or use all-caps
No spoilers to a game, TV show or film. Seriously. Don't.
Don’t argue with people over chat — especially the streamer and moderators
No self-promotion or advertising.
  • No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or other hate-based chat.
  • This channel follows Wheaton’s Law, the GLHF Pledge, and is an LGBTQ2A+ safe space.
  • Do not spam words, emotes or use all-caps
  • No spoilers to a game, TV show or film. Seriously. Don’t.
  • Don’t argue with people over chat — especially the streamer and moderators
  • No self-promotion or advertising.

Out of all of those – arguments with myself or my moderators – is an instantly bannable offense. I have only so much energy and mental space to give to things, and that is one boundary you’re not going to get to cross.

Until Next Time!

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