I’ve been playing Fallout 76 for a while now, and in the past month and a bit, I’d been encountering crashes. It was allllll over the place, I’d be fine, and then boom.
I did the whole troubleshooting checklist that Bethesda has available, but it didn’t help. But I’ve got it fixed, thankfully due to an excellent post on the F076 Reddit forum.
The first hint as to what the issue was was found in the crash dump files. I grabbed the utility that Microsoft makes available, and took a look at them. Hmm. Curiouser and curiouser, it looked to be related to the “status_access_violation” and “status_breakpoint” that I’d been seeing with any Chromium based browser that I’d been using.
So, having given too many of my years to doing technical support, I started to dig. More things kept pointing to the issue being related to one of the performance cores on my system. Most of the people had core four be the cranky one (P3, as they start with P0), and the troubleshooting steps were to make sure your BIOS/EUFI was up to date, and then go in and enable per core control. So, I sat down, and went through them. P0 – nope, that just made EVERYTHING worse, so not it. P1, more stable than P0, but still, crashy crashy. P2. BOO-YAH – there was the issue. Performance Core 3 was the one that was having a fight with Chromium and Fallout.

So, that’s the saga of hunting down the issue with both Chromium and Fallout. Things are going well now, and I’ve been enjoying the game – save for the whole thing with Hugo, which is spoiler city, so I’ll just say that it’s one of the biggest pain in the ass things in the game.